Employees of EYL, selected for KT's Biz Collaboration 2nd program, are discussing ways to develop ultra-small quantum random number generators and commercialize KT.(provided by KT) © News1
Selection of 6 companies for the second phase of the "Biz Collaboration"
Reporter Cha Yoon-joo (Seoul=News1) = KT announced on the 7th that it has selected six companies with the second phase of "Biz Collaboration," a program that supports start-ups and venture companies.
The program, joined by KT and the Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy and Innovation, will be jointly commercialized by supporting venture companies' R&D, patent applications, prototype production, marketing, and promotion.KT selected seven first companies in March and plans to support 20 companies annually.
The six companies selected this time are 루 Lucidstone (development of realistic service solution), 씨CQ&B (development of crime and fire prevention system), 하이Hydeed Solutions (development of telecare solution), 투Tunide (production of webtoon/web novel contents), EEYL (ultry technology and application products).
At the same time as the selection, they will develop joint products and services with the aim of launching them within the year with KT's business department.
Ko Yoon-jeon, head of KT's Future Business Development Group, said, "We will further strengthen support for fostering promising startups and venture companies."
URL : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=421&aid=0002826903&sid1=001&lfrom=kakao
Employees of EYL, selected for KT's Biz Collaboration 2nd program, are discussing ways to develop ultra-small quantum random number generators and commercialize KT.(provided by KT) © News1
Selection of 6 companies for the second phase of the "Biz Collaboration"
Reporter Cha Yoon-joo (Seoul=News1) = KT announced on the 7th that it has selected six companies with the second phase of "Biz Collaboration," a program that supports start-ups and venture companies.
The program, joined by KT and the Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy and Innovation, will be jointly commercialized by supporting venture companies' R&D, patent applications, prototype production, marketing, and promotion.KT selected seven first companies in March and plans to support 20 companies annually.
The six companies selected this time are 루 Lucidstone (development of realistic service solution), 씨CQ&B (development of crime and fire prevention system), 하이Hydeed Solutions (development of telecare solution), 투Tunide (production of webtoon/web novel contents), EEYL (ultry technology and application products).
At the same time as the selection, they will develop joint products and services with the aim of launching them within the year with KT's business department.
Ko Yoon-jeon, head of KT's Future Business Development Group, said, "We will further strengthen support for fostering promising startups and venture companies."
URL : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=421&aid=0002826903&sid1=001&lfrom=kakao