Full-scale operation from the 1st...automatic scream detection
[Ahn Young Chan from CBS No Cut News]

Emergency emergency bell that automatically detects screams in emergency situations. (Photo = Seongnam City provided)Emergency emergency bells, which automatically detect screams in emergencies, have been expanded to 43 women's toilets in 27 neighborhood parks in Seongnam.
The city will install additional emergency emergency bells in 20 Seongnam areas and 35 women's restrooms in neighborhood parks and start operation from the 1st.
In an emergency situation where the button cannot be pressed, the emergency bell automatically detects the abnormal sound source of the voice frequency and sends a rescue request signal to the police station close to the 112 command room of the local police station.
At the top of the entrance door outside the bathroom, a red warning light rings with a siren to notify the surroundings of an emergency.An additional emergency bell with abnormal sound source detection was installed in women's toilets in Hope University, Yeosu, Sanghee, and Hwarang Park, and there was a sign saying "Safe Toilet."
Seongnam City requested the installation of emergency emergency bells in women's restrooms in the park in August last year, and installed emergency emergency bells in eight women's restrooms in Jungang, Yul-dong, Pangyo Techno, Sanseong, Yangji, Hwangsong, and Daewon Park.
Since then, it has been promoted that the police will be dispatched immediately in case of a crime, which has led to the effect of preventing crime, and this time it will be expanded andAs a result, 52% of 83 women's restrooms in 33 neighborhood parks in Seongnam will have emergency bells.In the future, the city plans to gradually expand and install women's toilets in the remaining 40 parks.
URL : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=079&aid=0002935529&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter
Full-scale operation from the 1st...automatic scream detection
[Ahn Young Chan from CBS No Cut News]
Emergency emergency bell that automatically detects screams in emergency situations. (Photo = Seongnam City provided)Emergency emergency bells, which automatically detect screams in emergencies, have been expanded to 43 women's toilets in 27 neighborhood parks in Seongnam.
The city will install additional emergency emergency bells in 20 Seongnam areas and 35 women's restrooms in neighborhood parks and start operation from the 1st.
In an emergency situation where the button cannot be pressed, the emergency bell automatically detects the abnormal sound source of the voice frequency and sends a rescue request signal to the police station close to the 112 command room of the local police station.
At the top of the entrance door outside the bathroom, a red warning light rings with a siren to notify the surroundings of an emergency.An additional emergency bell with abnormal sound source detection was installed in women's toilets in Hope University, Yeosu, Sanghee, and Hwarang Park, and there was a sign saying "Safe Toilet."
Seongnam City requested the installation of emergency emergency bells in women's restrooms in the park in August last year, and installed emergency emergency bells in eight women's restrooms in Jungang, Yul-dong, Pangyo Techno, Sanseong, Yangji, Hwangsong, and Daewon Park.
Since then, it has been promoted that the police will be dispatched immediately in case of a crime, which has led to the effect of preventing crime, and this time it will be expanded andAs a result, 52% of 83 women's restrooms in 33 neighborhood parks in Seongnam will have emergency bells.In the future, the city plans to gradually expand and install women's toilets in the remaining 40 parks.
URL : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=079&aid=0002935529&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter