[SBS NEWS] [Metropolitan area] "I'm relieved that it's safe". Emergency bell for women's toilets is popular.



Seongnam City installed an emergency emergency bell in the women's bathroom in the park, and the news is that the response is good. 


This is the women's restroom in Jungang Park in Bundang, Seongnam. 

If an emergency occurs, you can press the button installed on the wall to notify the emergency. 

However, if you can't press the button, you can scream for help.

The woman's urgent situation is transmitted to the 112 command center of Bundang Police Station through an emergency emergency bell that automatically detects screams. 

[Police are on the move]The police have been dispatched.] 

At the same time, a red warning light installed outside the bathroom informs the surroundings of an emergency along with a siren. 

A patrol car passing by immediately dispatched to the scene. 

[Choi Yoonsun / Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si: I think it's great to use this safe bathroom] The emergency emergency bell was made at the request of the Bundang Police Station to Seongnam City. 

After identifying the need for an emergency bell for women's toilets through a security investigation, the police proposed to install it in Seongnam. 

Officer Lee Geun-ho/Bundang Police Station Crime Prevention Diagnosis Team: There is a community security in the police promotion plan.Local governments and police are organically building cooperative security for the safety of citizens.] 

[Lee Kwang Chul / Seongnam City Park Management Team Leader: It costs a lot of money, but we thought it was necessary for the safety of citizens, so we set up an emergency bell. Seongnam City has been increasing the installation of emergency bells in women's restrooms in the park since this month after a demonstration last year. So far, 43 out of 83 women's toilets in the neighborhood park have been installed with emergency bells, and Seongnam City plans to install additional emergency bells for the remaining 40 places.

URL : https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1004099108&plink=SEARCH&cooper=SBSNEWSSEARCH